Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Curried Chicken Salad

This morning I worked from home, which means I forgot to eat breakfast until almost 11 am. So, come 3 pm I was starving for lunch even though it was practically my dinner time (I am like a senior citizen and usually eat at five).

So, for "linner" today, I made myself some curried chicken salad using a leftover chicken breast from last night. If you know me well, you may find this odd. I don't usually eat leftover meat. In fact I have a phobia of it. There is a flavor I have termed "old chicken" (whether we're talking about chicken, beef, seafood, etc) and I avoid it like the plague. The funny thing I've figured out, though, is that "old chicken" only comes out if the meat is re-heated. So, a nice and cold chicken salad is a happy exception to my rule!

For 2-3 servings (depending if you make a sandwich, a lettuce roll up, or just eat it with a fork). 

1 leftover chicken breast-- diced up
1 celery stalk finely diced
1 small shallot finely diced
2 TBSP (or so... I didn't really measure) golden raisins (b/c that is what I had on hand).
1TBSP (again rough measurement) walnuts
1/4 cup mayo. Mine is Hellman's and it is "light".
Curry powder to taste-- I started with a heaping TBSP and then added a few more shakes.
Salt and pepper to taste-- I used zero salt and approximately two twists of coarsely ground pepper

Mix it all up and serve it however you like. Today, I plopped big spoonfuls on pieces of bibb lettuce.

This chicken salad was just what I needed today. It has a little bit of everything-- spice from the shallot and the curry, crunch from the celery and the walnuts, and sweet and chewy from the raisins. Plus, it's nice and healthy. Winner! I'm looking forward to eating the rest for lunch tomorrow.

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